2017.09~2021.06,北京师范大学 认知神经科学与学习国家重点实验室,认知神经科学,理学博士;
2014.09~2017.06,西南大学 心理学部,基础心理学,教育学硕士;
2009.09~2013.06,新乡医学院 心理学系,应用心理学,理学学士。
2021.07~至今 太阳成集团 太阳集团tyc5997,讲师。
1. 主持:重庆市教委人文社科规划项目,多维视角下老员工社交焦虑影响机制研究,22SKGH113,202201-202406,在研;
2. 主研:重庆市教委人文社科规划项目,学前特殊儿童母亲情绪调节的特点及其神经基础,22SKGH109,202201-202406,在研;
3. 主持:太阳成集团校级基金项目,不同加工状态下人脑活动模式对记忆表现的预测,21XWB043,202111-202311,在研;
4. 主研:国家自然科学基金(面上项目),面向脑网络调控的精神疾病TMS靶向理论与方法,82071999,202101-202412,在研;
5. 主研:国家自然科学基金(青年项目),神经质对情绪记忆动机性遗忘的影响及其神经机制,3160087,201701-201912,结题。
六、学术论文(#共同第一; *通讯作者)
1. Hou, X., Xiao, X., Gong, Y., Jiang Y., Sun P., Li J., Li Z., Zhao X., Yao L., Chen A., Zhu, C.*, Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Neurofeedback of Cortical Target Enhances Hippocampal Activation and Memory Performance, Neuroscience Bulletin, 2021.
2. Hou, X.#, Zhang, Z.#, Zhao, C., Duan, L., Gong, Y., Li, Z., & Zhu, C.*, NIRS-KIT: a MATLAB toolbox for both resting-state and task fNIRS data analysis, Neurophotonics, 2021.
3. Hou X., Xiao X., Gong Y., Li Z., Chen A., Zhu, C.*, Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Neurofeedback Enhances Human Spatial Memory,Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2021.
4. Chen S., Wang M., Dong H., Wang L., Jiang Y., Hou X., Zhuang Q., Dong G.*, Internet gaming disorder impacts gray matter structural covariance organization in the default mode network , Journal of Affective Disorders, 2021.
5. Zhao Y., Sun P., Tan F., Hou X., Zhu C.*, NIRS-ICA: A MATLAB Toolbox for Independent Component Analysis Applied in fNIRS Studies, Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 2021.
6. 朱朝喆, 侯鑫, 张宗, 赵晨, 任务态及静息态功能近红外脑成像数据分析软件 (NRIS-KIT), 软件著作权 (2019SR1299168), 2019.
7. Hou, X.#, Allen, T. A.#, Wei D.#, … & Qiu J., Trait compassion is associated with the neural substrate of empathy, Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 2017.
8. Li Y.#, Hou, X.#, Wei D., … & Qiu J., Long-Term Effects of Acute Stress on the Prefrontal-Limbic System in the Healthy Adult, PLOS ONE, 2017.
9. Wang K., Huang H., Chen L., Hou X., … & Qiu J.*, MRI Correlates of Interaction between Gender and Expressive Suppression among the Chinese Population, Neuroscience, 2017.
10. Li Y., Kong X., Hou X., … & Qiu J.*, Self-Referential Processing in Unipolar Depression: Distinct Roles of Subregions of the Medial Prefrontal Cortex, Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 2017.
11. Wang Y., Yao X., Wang X., Sang N., Hou X., … & Qiu J.*, The Structural and Functional Correlates of the Efficiency in Fearful Face Detection, Neuropsychologia, 2017.
12. Tian X.#, Hou, X.#, Wang K., … & Qiu J.*, Neuroanatomical correlates of individual differences in social anxiety in a non-clinical population, Social Neuroscience, 2016.
13. Yang J.#, Hou, X.#, Wei D., … & Qiu J.*, Only-child and non-only-child exhibit differences in creativity and agreeableness: evidence from behavioral and anatomical structural studies, Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2016.
14. Yin P., Zhang M., Hou, X., … & Qiu J.*, The brain structure and spontaneous activity baseline of the behavioral bias in trait anxiety, Behavioral Brain Research, 2016.
15. Mao Y., Sang N., Wang Y., Hou X., … & Qiu J.*, Reduced frontal cortex thickness and cortical volume associated with pathological narcissism, Neuroscience, 2016.
16. 王康程, 吴国榕, 侯鑫, 位东涛, Liu Hesheng, 邱江*, 从群体到个体脑功能网络的分割及应用, 科学通报, 2016.
17. Sang N., Zhang L., Hao L., Wang Y., Hou X., … & Qiu J.*, Human sensory cortex structure and top-down controlling brain network determine individual differences in perceptual alternations, Neuroscience Letters, 2016.